Monday, 28 October 2013


So many people take for granted getting up each morning and going about their day to day business. But what if you felt you had no reason to get up? What if due to mental illness or depression you found it impossible to find a reason to leave your bed? This is a challenge so many people face alone each day.We are normal after all and things such as stress can take a toll on our minds. My reason to get up and go is to bake. I get up every morning wanting to create something better than the day before.I call it baking therapy. . Focusing on the task to hand not the what if's.However I have asked for help and I have no shame in admitting it. Mental illness has a major stigma attached and is somewhat over looked by society as a serious illness.I decided to ask for help and I encourage anyone in a similar situation to do the same. If I walked into a shop on crutches everyone would ask how I am but with a mental illness such as depression the world can be a very lonely place. 6 weeks in a cast and some rehab won't fix it  for it requires enormous strength and courage.

People can be harsh rushing about in their daily lives and not stopping to see if someone they love needs a helping hand with theirs. Depression is like viewing the world in black and white all day everyday.Can you imagine that? Do your friends know they could speak to you about anything suicide or self harm included? Do you know how to recognise suicidal behaviour.

For anyone struggling at the moment I say its OK to ask for help. There are so many services available simply chatting to your doctor can help.There are a huge range of therapies too and my personal favourite is baking.Help available includes Console,1 Life Suicide Helpline,Samaritans and Pieta House are to name but a few. The far braver decision is to ask for help and tell your family and friends so they can support you. 

It's time to stand up and say not being OK is OK! A problem shared is a problem halved and suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. A problem that when chatted out with a friend may have looked entirely different. There are some wonderful people saving lives everyday in Limerick alone. CSPP suicide prevention Limerick patrol the bridges at night and the river areas preventing suicides. I choose life is a page set up only this week by Cormac Hayes encouraging people to speak out about teen suicide and Water Risk Aware a local voluntary movement to spread the word about the dangers of water aiming to save lives.

I hope this blog has given those who need it the strength to ask for help and those who overlooked it before to offer their hand in support!

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