One of my favourite things to bake are Chocolate brownies. So chocolatey and just generally amazing. I'm a devil for anything mint too...a mint cornetto, mint aero's, after eight's you name it I'm on it like a car bonnet. So I've combined mint and brownies for to create the perfect appreciation blog.
Starting off I checked out the ingredients list!It was looking very positive I knew what everything was on the list except for 1 mystery item. Softened cream cheese! No problem I'll nip to the shop and just pick it up I'm sure its labelled anyway I thought to myself. Now searching the dairy section of any supermarket is not to be laughed at.... it's like 7 miles long and has not just English labels but French. Now French was never my strong point dropping it at leaving cert level who knows what I would arrive home with. I failed to find it for 2 days and 5 supermarkets. Then I decided pride aside it was time to ask. Lads no joke but Cream cheese is Philabloodydelphia. Yes Philadelphia the one internationally advertised as cream cheese. If i could have kicked myself in the forehead with my size 7's I would have. I returned home feeling very silly indeed but never the less the show must go on!I melted the butter and chocolate and allowed it to cool. The smell as it melts is just divine. I then poured the devine mix into a mixing bowl and added in a cup of sugar. Stirring like a trooper I gradually added the eggs bit by bit.....there was zero room for error now I was on my volcano mission
The drill was on ( whisk) and I was like bob the builder giving it welly then added a little vanilla essence. Folded in the flour and salt like any good housewife and just like magic my impressive batter was ready.
So the plan was to pour 3/4 of the batter onto the bottom of my baking tray holding back the rest. Now for Mintfest....well there seems to be every other sort of a Fest happening at the moment so I'm starting Mintfest.
I put my Philabloodydelphia in a bowl with sugar 1 egg yolk tiny bit of peppermint and green colouring. Drill until smooth. Go handy with the peppermint or just like a volcano it could very well blow the head off you. Eucalyptus eat your heart out! Dollop the mint mixture on top of the batter and use the remaining 1/4 of batter to form the top layer. Slit the top batter with a knife so the lava aka mint is visible. Bake for 30 min and watch the volcano erupt.

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