Hello and welcome to all my new followers! I hope I haven't scared you off just yet! Although Halloween is just around the corner muhahaha! How do Coconut and mint cookies covered with white and milk chocolate sound for today's article? I love bounty bars so much so at one stage I was like Dog the bounty hunter rummaging through all the shops! Of course these were times when I had the metabolism of a cheetah.Now the story would be a little different. As if these cookies couldn't get any better I will be cutting them into star shapes symbolizing reaching for the stars. If there's one thing depression teaches you its staying positive and reaching for the stars and your goals or the neck of a bully!
Now to start with, place some butter and sugar in a bowl and whisk until light and fluffy. Does anyone else get pins and needles from a whisk? or is that just me? Quite dangerous after awhile I'd imagine thankfully no accidents just yet!I'm staying positive. Then beat in an egg yoke ( remember we are pro's at separating eggs now don't let the side down) and 1 teaspoon of peppermint extract. Go easy with the extract as too much could be fatal. Then sift in together plain flour and pinch of salt. The mixture is quite stiff at this stage but there is light at the end of the tunnel here comes the coconut. Add 100g of desiccated coconut and stir until all is as one. When I first saw desiccated coconut on the ingredients I had images of a CSI agent doing an autopsy on a coconut but thankfully one day as I passed the Lidl baking section there it was calling to me saying Dog take me and now here we are mixture combined. Half the mixture and wrap in cling film. Roughly will do it's not a Christmas present just pop in the fridge to chill for 30 - 60 minutes or as last week proved for me until your blood suddenly pools at your feet and you remember it's in the fridge.
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and unwrap the dough. Spread some flour on your work surface trust me it's worth the mess. Roll out the two pieces of dough cutting out star shapes. Leave them a little thick as you don't want light cookies.Bake for 10 - 12 minutes any longer and you'll be having their funerals. Allow to cool.
Melt milk chocolate over water and also melt white chocolate about 150g or 1 bar of each. Then with a spoon drizzle one type at the time over the cookies. Leave to set and enjoy!

Each day I set myself a goal and go for it whether its baking or painting the principal remains the same. Reach for the stars! We don't deserve any less!
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