I can't think of a more fitting day to speak about two of my life greatest passions Race-walking and Baking. But how can the two be compared? Simple. I compare a race-walking journey to that of baking millionaires shortbread. The base is the most important part of any cake and also of any athletes training. Training throughout the winter months alone covering over 100 miles a week. Travelling abroad for altitude training it takes tremendous strength. The base of my shortbread cake also needs to take the support the cake, it needs to withstand the weight on top. In the cake Flour, Sugar and butter make the base. In walking character, discipline, determination, family, a great support team and endless training hours make the perfect base. Marian just like the butter in the base gelled everything together in Rob's life too. Been there for Rob regardless of victory or disappointment she has been the rock in Rob's career.
From the outside what people do not see is the strict dieting, the assigned power nap times, the strict lifestyle that makes an athlete. When others are clubbing on a Saturday night Rob and his wife were resting up for a long mileage session on a Sunday just like all our other walkers and athletes in this country at National level.. Due to limited resources in Ireland a great deal of travel also has to be involved which would put a strain on any relationship but not this golden couple. They saw a dream and went for it with both hands. Marian putting her own fantastic athletic career on hold this year to coach her husband.
After baking the base for 30 minutes allow to cool. The next layer of Carmel wonder comprising of syrup, condensed milk and butter is the sticky divine middle piece to the cake.Pour on top of the base and allow to sit and cool. In every athletes career they come across politics and people trying to hold them back. These people are the sticky carmel layer in my cake. Also it can be an injury. The must crushing part for any athlete is an injury jeopardising their career. It happened to myself and my walking career. It's how a person deals with an injury or problem though that is the difference between winning and just making up the numbers. Rob tackled every injury head on. He got down did the physio and the rehab and didn't complain. It's not only Rob that does this. Other ambassadors in the race walking community include Laura Reynolds, Colin Griffin, Kate Veale, Michael Doyle, Niall & Emma Prendiville, Olive Loughnane, Anne Loughnane, Michael Lane, Gillian O Sullivan, Ray Flynn, Pierce and Bernie O Callaghan, Jamie Costin, David kidd and i'm bound to have left someone out. Through out the year all these people have encouraged each other in a country where at least 5 cars on every long walk beeps and roars pervy abuse as we train on the roads. Behind the scenes these ambassadors fight for funding and selections. Well thanks to all this support and the heffernans determination they have flew through the sticky layer.
The final layer of the cake is a layer of melted chocolate. It's the layer that signifies success. Today is Robert & Marian Heffernan's day. A day that goes down in history as August 14th 2013 the day he won the title of 50km Champion of the World.