Apple pie was my favourite delicacy growing up. As well as going through 2 litres of milk a day to myself I would gladly have consumed the best part of an entire apple pie. Metabolism of a horse I had back then.There was 1 condition though....if I taste cinnamon or cloves that's it for me. A pie can vary depending where its bought. In my opinion the ones from the country pubs are the best.Apple is the fruit of temptation and strawberries are the fruit of passion. Everyone has a passion in their lives whether its a sport, a hobby, a person you still give your heart to it. Temptations well temptations are everywhere good and bad.This passion and temptation gives life a flair and its going to give this pie that little something extra:) I'm not going to claim I hand pick each apple but what I can promise is you won't be disappointed if you taste it. Plus I doubt an orchard would fit in the back yard in a housing estate. My plan originally was to try and recreate perfection I've tasted in so many traditional pubs. But as I glanced through what I needed I couldn't help thinking what some passion would add to the flavour. That was it Strapple pie was born.The Adam and Eve of the bakers world. The strawberries would add a lovely kick to the apples tickling the taste buds.
I started off by sieving the icing sugar and flour together in a bowl giving it a good stir with a large spoon. Then I started to rub in the butter to the dry mix which may I say is the most relaxing thing one could possibly do. The mind drifts millions of miles away and then suddenly were ready to add the eggs. Mix together pop in cling film and place into the fridge for 1 hour . Now its time to stew the apples and the strawberries. I chose to stew them separately adding sugar as I go. Once the 60 minutes were up I removed the dough from the fridge divided it into 2 balls and rolled them out. Now this is not as easy as it seems it will rip, it will tear and you will lose the cool but it's OK take 10 seconds and restart. Grease the pie tray and lay the base layer of dough in .Once in add the two stewed fruits together mix and put into the pie pan. Pop the top layer of pastry on and glaze pinching the sides. Put a few fork pricks . For decorative purposes I halved a strawberry and placed the 2 sides side by side in the middle once it's cooled and out of the oven.
I hope this blog has awakened your desire for passion and temptation in your life ;) Start baking!
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