I set myself a challenge of creating my very own high heel cupcakes. As a Tom Boy far from high heels I was raised and more on my brothers tractors but never the less I felt the urge to create these wonderful fancy shoes. I remember a friend trying to teach me to walk on high heels. Can you imagine a penguin on a set of high heels? Well that's the strut I had. As I prepared the ingredients it made me think why do we even bother with dressing up, high heels make up etc. Is it necessary? As I work my way through creating these heels i'll also give you my opinion.
OK so I needed a heel....now what could I use as a heel? I sized up everything in my baking cabinet and nothing seemed appropriate. Then as if hit with a slap from Katie Taylor herself I thought of round wafers the lovely ones with chocolate in the middle yum! The sole would also consist of a regular ice cream wafer and the front of the shoe a cupcake.
Step 1. Baking the cupcake of your choice. I opted with vanilla. As I mixed all the ingredients together as per previous blogs one couldn't resist thinking. People don't see what's inside the bun case do they . So a lot of people find it easier to go through life under the radar just living a normal life. To be honest that's me.I'd run a mile at the sight of make up, high heels or even the thought of dying my hair. Step 2. To get the shape needed for the front of the shoe I added a heap of frosting. Frosting piled like a mountain. Not everyone feels able to climb mountains at the best of times. But the frosting signifies plucking up the courage, for every one step back I urge everyone to take 2 forward. Once you reach the summit then all the fancy mod cons, make up etc. seem OK to wear because your inside feels just as glamorous as your outside. Step 3. Adding some jazzle to the cupcake. I chose purple as it's a calming colour and let's face it you need to remain calm on a pair of high heels. Pour some sugar into a sandwich bag add some blue food dye and some red food dye until you get the colour you like. Keep rubbing the sugar and the colour together. Once complete empty into a bowl. Step 4. At this point we need to start sorting the sole of the shoe. I used icing to cover both sides of an ice cream wafer and applied butter-cream around 3 edges. ( how to make butter icing also in my previous blogs). Step 5. Roll the cupcake in the purple sugar and also dip the 3 sides of the sole in it. The concept of the purple sugar could also be seen as people hiding behind make up. Layer upon Layer to make themselves feel better and in order to try and face the world. Step 6. Slice with a bread knife a slit from an angle into the top of the cupcake. Insert the sole here. Also balancing the sole pop a bit of icing on top of the round wafer and put it in position.
The sole is quite weak and the shoe wouldn't function without the heel.Life is challenging and just like the heel families and close friends are there to support. But its important to know that there is support and help available.
Even Cinderella's shoe didn't fit the first time, but stay strong and the pair you deserve will come along.
Your mental health is just as important as your physical so don't take it for granted. Ask for help if you need it.Don't suffer in silence.
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